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Egyptian Tattoo Designs

Egyptian Tattoo Designs
Egypt is one of the first civilizations to classify the elements of art. Egypt is also known for it's great architectural designs with the pyramids and their monumental tombs. Egyptians practiced the art of tattoo. This was discovered by researchers who found patterns on the skin of mummified bodies. These patterns consist of dots and dashes and were mostly found on females and are believed to have been for body decoration, social classification, and religious purposes.

Although these types of patterns are not commonly used today, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and symbols are becoming popular as tattoo designs. Lets discuss some Egyptian symbols that are popular today.

Eye of Horus

One of the popular Egyptian symbols that is used for tattoo designs is the "Eye of Horus", which represented life and good luck in ancient times. It is also known as the "Eye of Ra", and was believed to be as the all-seeing eye that was also used in amulets by ancient Egyptians.


Bastet is a goddess usually represented as a woman with the head of a cat, but later portrayed as a lioness. She protected Ra from his enemies and became known as the Lady of the East and the Goddess of the Rising Sun. Today, it is widely known as the "cat goddess".


The Phoenix is a mythical fire-bird in Egyptian mythology. It is a universal symbol of the sun, mystical rebirth, resurrection and immortality, this legendary red "fire bird" was believed to die in its self-made flames periodically then rise again out of its own ashes.


The Ankh is an Egyptian hieroglyphic character that means "eternal life" or the "key of life". This symbol is frequently seen on Egyptian tomb painting and on other art. They were also carried by Egyptians as an amulet alone or in connection with other hieroglyphs that mean strength and health.

There are still many Egyptian symbols that are popular in making tattoo designs such as the serket, Isis, Osiris, Amun, Pyramids, and etc. If you're planning to have a tattoo, an Egyptian symbol is one of the designs that you could consider, but be sure to research for their meanings first.

Pyramid Tattoos

Pyramid TattoosThere are many pyramid tattoos being worn theses days. If you are considering getting a pyramid tattoo then make sure you know the symbology behind the Egyptian pyramid.

The pyramid represents the primordial mound from which the Egyptians believed the world was created. The shape of the pyramid is thought to represent the rays of the sun shinning down, which makes a lot of sense because the Egyptians believed the sun to be a god and therefore the mummy within the pyramid is surrounded by the rays of a god.

Another belief is that the pyramid was a vessel for the mummy to enter into the afterlife and therefore live forever. The entire Pharaoh's prized possessions where placed in the pyramid in order for the Pharaoh to be able to take them with him into the afterlife. For this meaning and the above one if you are looking for some symbology in your pyramid tattoo you can use it to portray what you hold most dear.

The pyramids are also believed to represent a stairway to heaven and when a pyramid was completed then the Pharaoh was truly a god ready to ascend to heaven. This symbology can be used in a tattoo as your success thanks to the hard work (building blocks) that you have gone through to achieve your final goal.

Most Pyramid tattoos are combined with other symbols or hieroglyphics in order to portray the message they are trying to get across as well as to make the tattoo look good.
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